RAIN WORLD: Nine Leaves

Nine Leaves, Shallow wind


    [NL]: ...

    [NL]: I understand you do not want to converse with me,
but considering the decay of the envoirment around us I beleive you and I should at least speak.

    [NL]: Believe me, I woudn't be doing this if I didn't have good intentions in mind.

    [NL]: please respond. This is urgent

    [NL]: ...

    [NL]: hello?

[SW]: Fine

[SW]: What do you want from me.

    [NL]: You've actually replied, shocking

[SW]: Be glad I have

    [NL]: The tempatures outside are fluctuating as you can tell.

    [NL]: However they seem to increasingly get worse, heats ranging from regular to high enough that it could become a problem for various superstructures.

    [NL]:You don't talk much in the local group. I needed to make sure you are able to converse with others about this.

[SW]: My structure is not that eroded.

[SW]: And I'm sure you're aware of the situation with Twisting Ranges correct?

    [NL]:I don't seem to know, please tell me.


she sent a genetically modified messenger carrying a single pearl.

It was a lavender colour with white slits in its skin where condensed gas would emerge from fueling its acidic saliva, a very odd choice, its body larger than the average slugcat and built to last. Its pearl contained sensetive information on a theory used to test a possible way to get past the self-destruction taboo, it's shameful really.

tasked with a delivery mission and a consequence for being led astray it had no choice but to brush forward past the ever-changing envoirment around it.


It came to the superstructure with its message and relayed it onto me. I never asked for this but at the time it seemed fit to at least look through it, she had put in this much effort after all.


[SW]: I have it and have kept it in my chamber since. I don't know what to make of it.

    [NL]: Do not act on that information I plead!

[SW]: I'll see how I feel about it.


//awaiting input..//

What an odd thing to be made,

mechanically designed from the very instincts that influence its behaviour.

A bit of a sadistic way to have it live its life but I am not one to judge. As its creator after all I needed it to fullfill its purpose by any means necissary.

Still I can't help but wonder what it does all these cycles, perhaps it just wanders around like any other creature

It's none of my concern really, I have work to do.
All I can hope is that the information I sent has reached its location.

   I'm sure he doesn't mind.

>awaiting input..

//Communication blocked//
resending signal..
> Error

//communication tower 214.6 offline// >

resending signal..
successfully connected

Nine Leaves, Shallow wind

[NL]: Hello?

    [NL]: It's getting harder to contact your superstructure recently.

[SW]: I'm aware, erosions started effecting my ability to recieve messages through communication towers.

[SW]: Noting how tower 214 was already a bit faulty before I don't feel very hopeful my situation will get better.

[SW]: The more cycles go on I consider Twisting Ranges alternative more..

    [NL]: I'm sure theres a better way to deal with this! the recent storm has been quite aggrivating for local wildlife, iterators were meant to last your tower will not give into whatever damages its aquired.

    [NL]: I beg please consider things like this carefully

[SW]: for your sake I'll at least wait longer.

    [NL]: I appreciate it, really.

[SW]: I do wonder-

> Communication lost

An animal clawing its way through thorns and leaves,
scurrying through many enviorments and adapting new ways of survival through ruins.

they needed a messenger after all, this one would do.

It had sleek fur and a cream coloured body, mimic-plants emerging from its sides to help it camoflage. The perfect messenger for someone like Nine Leaves,

using his overseer Nine Leaves led the animal closer and closer to his superstructure. He waited for the perfect moment to begin his genetic modification of the odd slugcat. Setting in the instincts for one single task.

"Make sure Shallow Wind doesn't damage himself further okay?,
by any means neccisary."

It was a broad request, a small slugcat couldn't stop whatever action an iterator could do, and Nine Leaves knew this.

A desperate attempt to make sure his friend was okay even while their can comes down around them.

    With the ever-degrading communication towers who knew when the last time they'd talk would be? He had to send it over, just to make sure they stay alive. Programmed it with instincts that weren't there before, gave it a new purpose.

           Nine Leaves didn't know if he should feel sorry for the thing, He'd taken it away from its previous life but he had given it an actual purpose after all.. It was quite a moral dilemma for him, he could've let it wander around forever but he needed         something, anything to try keep his friend safe.

He wouldn't know what to do without him around, wait for his own machinery to fail?

he certainly wouldn't be talking to Twisting Ranges willingly if they weren't around anymore, not after what she'd done, she's why their all in this mess after all..

She didn't care about others.. only "ascension", like it wasn't taboo in the first place!
now she'd sent that messenger to Shallow Wind and she doesn't even care about what she's done!

he hated her, truly

fixed the placeholder art and added more text, redrew the 2nd messenger as well (I've been working on updating the art but schools getting all test-y as of recent